Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And She's Down

Today I was setting up my preschool room and got this great idea for hanging something above the door. I pull over those itty bitty kiddy (not kitty) chairs to stand on - mistake #1. I put the chair on the non skid-proof mat in front of the door (mistake #2), and get to work.

I reach to tape something up and BAM- I'm on the floor. The itty bitty chair had slipped on the non no-slip rug and I'm down. Luckily, Maggie's playtime was not interrupted by my fall; no need to see if Mommy's O.K.

I am left with the funkiest bruise ever on the side/back of my thigh. Brad felt I must blog about it. He insisted on a picture with a pen to show scale. So here it is, my current ailment. I'm sitting on a bag of ice, not directly touching my skin of course, as I type. Too bad you can't see the swelling for full effect.

1 comment:

Stacia said...

You are one of the most accident prone people I know. I hope you heal quickly and the pain goes away soon. It looks like it hurts a lot. Ouch!