Saturday, August 11, 2007

Whirling, Twirling Cartwheels

Georgia is cheering this Fall for football. She loves cheerleading, and this team is all about doing things right. So, pretty much everyone but Georgia can do cartwheels, flips, roundoffs, back handsprings, etc. YIKES! We're now working overtime trying to get her up to speed. Needless to say, I have never in my life done so much as a cartwheel. Apparently Brad has. This is news to me, so I had to document the feat.

He finished it off with a round-off. Perhaps Brad leads a double life that I know nothing about that includes megaphones and tight shorts!

1 comment:

Stacia said...

I hope he didn't hurt himself. He looks pretty red in the face after that cartwheel. I'm impressed.