Monday, June 25, 2007

Who's Up for Putt-Putt?

We took Georgia and Maggie to play putt-putt and ride go-karts this weekend. What a blast! We didn't bother to keep score playing putt-putt, since Maggie thought her job was to grab everyone's ball as it rolled around, then throw it in the hole. Georgia got 2 hole-in-ones! These were legitimate hole-in-ones too, not parents looking the other way ones. We couldn't believe it. Off the subject a bit, the first time she played the game on the table at Cracker Barrel she left one peg. It took me FOREVER to finally do that.

So then off to the go-karts. Maggie rode with me and Georgia with Brad. I laughed the entire time while I steered with one hand and held up the camera with the other. Brad and I were both driving pedal to the floor, passing all the 8 & 9 year olds on the track with us. I bumped one little girl and she yelled over "HEY!" at me. Brad thought I should apologize to her and her parents!!! Please! I did say sorry to her when I bumped her though.

I thought Maggie would be scared to death, but she really liked it. Doesn't take much to entertain us!

1 comment:

Stacia said...

I'm amazed at your child's abilities. I was never very good at any games. That's awesome.