Sunday, January 6, 2008

Say What??

This picture cracks me up. I was trying to get a shot of Mom and Maggie, and Mom heard me say something out of context. This was her response:

Maggie has the same look too. How funny is that? What'd I say?? Maybe "I'm going to have triplets" or "Georgia loves watching WWF wrestling". Who knows (although neither of these are true).

Back to normal later. Maggie looks as big as Mom here.

School starts back tomorrow - thank goodness!!!! I wake up every morning hearing Maggie say, "Will you play with me?", and I hear it ALL DAY LONG. She's ready to be with other 3 year olds versus her 28 year old mom (say what??).

1 comment:

Stacia said...

If your 28 then I'm 25! Ha!Ha!