Friday, November 23, 2007

Big Brother

My big brother Andrew and his wife Michelle came for Thanksgiving. It's always fun to see them. We hadn't met up since July, so a visit was long overdue. Michelle is expecting a baby girl in the Spring. They have 5 nieces already, with no nephews, so they'll be adding another princess to the mix. Holy hormone-y. Family get-togethers will be high-drama for sure with all these females running around! Andrew is the most excited expectant father I know! I'm thrilled for them too!! My girls can't wait to have another cousin around.

Brad likes to comment on how loud my family is. We are pretty loud really. The volume is always on high for some reason. And when my mom and I laugh, you can hear it 3 doors down. I have neighbors tell me they know when I'm outside because they can hear me laugh, or guffaw, as Brad likes to say.

Sweet mama-to-be Michelle. She was itty bitty before becoming pregnant. Now, at 6 months, she's still itty. She definitely makes pregnancy look easy.

Off now for some ham rolls, ham sandwiches or just plain ham. I bet tomorrow we'll have ham biscuits.

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