Thursday, January 31, 2008

Chop Chop!

Rapunzel has cut off her hair. Maggie's lovely long hair is now sassy shoulder length hair. The household is happier. Maggie would literally run when I tried to brush her hair, yelling "Mean Mommie!" while she fled. A trip to the salon solved that.



This is her second haircut, and I'm slowly getting it shorter. She could possibly have a bob next month; we'll have to see. Georgia was bummed that she'd miss the big cut-off but lucked out as school was closed today. It was girls' haircut day instead. The three of us went under the scissors. Brad asked how much that "set him back". Beauty has no price. He doesn't really subscribe to this theory, so I had to give him a number. Don't you love the appalled look on a man's face that haircuts could cost over $15? What I love more is the great feeling you have getting your hair done. Such a simple pleasure.

Monday, January 21, 2008

These Boots Were Made For Walkin

Georgia is in boot phase. She longs to own boots of all kinds and colors. Her latest request was for 'high-heeled' ones. She has talked her way into one other pair, leopard print fleece lined ones, and she absolutely hated them after the first day. So, I've managed to not get her any more until this weekend.
She debuted them at Church this Sunday.

After this picture I said, "Maggie, your eyes are closed." Her response: "One of my Barbies is looking the wrong way." And yes, one is.

Georgia was kickin it in her corduroy skirt and new boots. We had to go to Saltgrass Steakhouse for lunch.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

To Be a Guy

To be a guy, I'd have know what division every sports team is in, make numerous references to my genitalia, and be able to nap at a moment's notice.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Clown Hair

Brad has amused himself greatly lately saying that I have clown hair. What is clown hair you ask? Is it striped? No. Is it round? No. Does it have a man-made material quality to it? No. Apparently, it is this:

This, by the way, is a beautiful, wavy masterpiece. Actually what this is is what my hair looks like if I don't dry it very well. But what it definitely isn't is clown hair.
Brad then says "When I get paid on Friday, why don't you have your hair colored. It's the color of 'middle-aged' woman right now." CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? Better phrasing would have been "You work so hard and are such a wonderful Mother and Wife that you deserve some pampering. Take some time off to treat yourself." Ahhh. Much better.
Oh, and the picture? He insisted on taking it to try to prove his point.
Maybe this clown should throw a whipped cream pie in his face? That always gets a laugh.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Say What??

This picture cracks me up. I was trying to get a shot of Mom and Maggie, and Mom heard me say something out of context. This was her response:

Maggie has the same look too. How funny is that? What'd I say?? Maybe "I'm going to have triplets" or "Georgia loves watching WWF wrestling". Who knows (although neither of these are true).

Back to normal later. Maggie looks as big as Mom here.

School starts back tomorrow - thank goodness!!!! I wake up every morning hearing Maggie say, "Will you play with me?", and I hear it ALL DAY LONG. She's ready to be with other 3 year olds versus her 28 year old mom (say what??).

Friday, January 4, 2008