Sunday, December 23, 2007

Visions of Sugarplums Danced In Our Head

I love sweets, and Christmas is definitely the time to indulge your sweet tooth. I love it all - low and high end chocolates, I don't play favorites. A friend gave me these funny looking little candies for Christmas from her daughter, who is in my Girl Scout troop. They were fabulous! And simple too. The girls and I set out to make our own tonight. Ingredients - pretzels, Rolos, and M&Ms. The perfect combination of sweet, salty and gooey. Also the perfect project for little hands.

Maggie and I did the prep: unwrap Rolos, eat a Rolo, put one in the bowl for Georgia, and repeat. Georgia was in charge of construction.

300 degrees and 3 minutes later:

YUM! So easy yet so good. Thanks, Amy, for the new chocolate fix!

Sweet dreams my friends. Sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Stacia said...

That looks delicious. I might have to make some. But my boys don't like pretzels. I guess Mom and I can eat them. Anyway I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.