Monday, June 25, 2007

Who's Up for Putt-Putt?

We took Georgia and Maggie to play putt-putt and ride go-karts this weekend. What a blast! We didn't bother to keep score playing putt-putt, since Maggie thought her job was to grab everyone's ball as it rolled around, then throw it in the hole. Georgia got 2 hole-in-ones! These were legitimate hole-in-ones too, not parents looking the other way ones. We couldn't believe it. Off the subject a bit, the first time she played the game on the table at Cracker Barrel she left one peg. It took me FOREVER to finally do that.

So then off to the go-karts. Maggie rode with me and Georgia with Brad. I laughed the entire time while I steered with one hand and held up the camera with the other. Brad and I were both driving pedal to the floor, passing all the 8 & 9 year olds on the track with us. I bumped one little girl and she yelled over "HEY!" at me. Brad thought I should apologize to her and her parents!!! Please! I did say sorry to her when I bumped her though.

I thought Maggie would be scared to death, but she really liked it. Doesn't take much to entertain us!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

All the Dads' Wisdom

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads I know. First is Brad, of course. He was out of town until late this evening, but had some goodies waiting for him when he got home. The girls picked a flower for him from the yard, and each had to have its own glass. He got other gifts too, but they were most excited about the flowers they chose. Brad is one of the best Dads I know, as he certainly had a terrific role model.

Happy Father's Day to my Dad, Jolly. He's always got lots of advice, much that I don't follow, but advice just the same. You know people love you when they offer advice. I remember when I was 16 and wanted a new car stereo. He refused to buy it for me, insisting that I'd appreciate it more if I bought it with my own money. I thought he was completely nuts! Turns out he wasn't. Happy Father's Day Dad!

Also my stepdad, John. John is something else! I couldn't imagine life without him. When he first met my Mom, my brother and I were teenagers, and he drive around with a huge stuffed bear in the passenger seat of his car, with the seatbelt on no less. It drove my brother and I crazy that we had to sit in the back with a stuffed animal riding shotgun. John provides the comic relief, and we love him for it. Happy Step-Father's Day!

And then my fabulous father-in-law Wayne, whose birthday is today too! Happy Birthday and Father's Day. I definitely understand the doubled up celebrations - and we did get him 2 separate gifts. The funniest memory I have so far with Wayne is one day when Brad and I were dating and Brad wanted to shave the back of my upper legs, because I refused to do so. So here I am, laying on my stomach across Brad's childhood bed with him bent over me shaving my legs. Wayne walked by the room, we didn't know he was home obviously, and just kept on walking. It was never discussed. Happy Father's Day!

Thank you Dads for the love, guidance and patience.
You are appreciated in everything you do. Georgia, Maggie and I are truly blessed to have you all in our lives.

Monday, June 4, 2007


I'll admit it - my yard is a mess. It needs weeding on a very regular basis. In an attempt to not completely decrease the home values in the neighborhood, I decided to weed. I worked on the front yard, pulling whatever looked odd and tossing it over my shoulder. What a mess! Two people walking their dogs even stopped to comment on the amount of weeding going on. The worst part is stirring up all the bugs in the ground. They were crawling all over my shoes and up my legs. A couple were in my hair!
It started at breakfast when I noticed a few ants near the cat food. I realized they were coming in from the area below the kitchen windows. The previous owners planted all kinds of wonderful things everywhere. Problem is, I have no idea what the stuff is. We have herbs upon herbs, lavender, citronella, flowers out the wazoo and other stuff that I just don't know.
All hope is not lost though. Some areas are presentable - for now.