Monday, May 21, 2007

On My Honor, I Will Try.....

Here's what I used to do: get up at 6am, go to satisfying job (pun anyone?) that payed actual money, come home and relax. Here's what I now do: get up at 7 am (an improvement), dress and feed kids, go to "work" with kids, go to school with kids, come home with kids. What just happened?

I teach at a Mother's Day Out Program from 9am-2:30pm 3 days a week for free basically. Not really, they have to pay me by law. And by teach I mean make sure 14 two year olds don't show their privates to each other. I then head over to Georgia's school every other Tuesday to corral 13 six year olds in an attempt to teach them something about being a Girl Scout. I kind-of got roped into being a Troop leader under the promise that it wasn't a big deal. It is SUCH a big deal! I was flat-out lied to. Actually it's been fun being with these girls. What a whacky age. Do we like boys, do we not like boys, should we wear lip gloss, how's my hair, and on and on.

Here's my Troop looking their finest:
There's Maggie in the middle, and who is that boy??

It's funny where you think you're going and where you actually end up. I asked Brad once if he ever imagined playing Barbies with 2 girls when he was hanging with his friends in college. And now look. He knows all the Disney princesses AND their princes.

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