Monday, May 28, 2007

Batting 0.00

What a Memorial Day!

The Plan: Take the girls to see Shrek the Third at 4:15. Have great time with first all family movie outing with CVS bought candy snuck in. Maggie and Georgia were so excited! The Reality: Tried to locate cat outside unsuccessfully for 30 minutes, therefore missing 4:15 show. No big deal, we'll go to the 5:15. Arrive at movie theatre at 4:45 and all shows sold out until 6:45. The screaming and crying begins. Walk back to the car with promises of coming again while crying continues as everyone looks on. Relief came in the form of CVS candy eaten in the car.

We then think it'd be great to go to Uncle Gio's Italian restaurant, which is nowhere near where we are, and Georgia can have her favorite - cheese pizza. Get there and, you guessed it, they are closed - it IS Memorial Day after all! Now the girls aren't happy at all, and neither are Mom and Dad. I promise Georgia a frozen cheese pizza at home - YUM! Get home - NO FROZEN CHEESE PIZZAS in freezer!

So we have struck out as parents today.

Georgia and Maggie had to settle for swinging in the back yard and picking pepperoni off the pizza we did have. Brad and his Dad built these swings for the girls last year, on his Dad's birthday actually, and they have been terriffic! You can tell by the lack of grass how often they use these. Thanks Dad and Poppy!

The previous owners of our home made these neat trails in the woods behind our house. It's where most of our cat-searching occurs. The girls love to run back there, pick up a few ticks, and hide from Mom and Dad. It is kind-of fun.

Friday, May 25, 2007


So it has begun. School is out and Summer is in. On with long days to fill with pool time, camps, VBS and a quick vacation. Georgia and I were playing Operation today. When we bought her this game years ago we chuckled at the idea of her first reaction to the buzzer. Now, she can hear that buzzer all day, just as long as the piece comes out. Notice the lit nose in the picture? A malpractice suit may be in order.

Monday, May 21, 2007

On My Honor, I Will Try.....

Here's what I used to do: get up at 6am, go to satisfying job (pun anyone?) that payed actual money, come home and relax. Here's what I now do: get up at 7 am (an improvement), dress and feed kids, go to "work" with kids, go to school with kids, come home with kids. What just happened?

I teach at a Mother's Day Out Program from 9am-2:30pm 3 days a week for free basically. Not really, they have to pay me by law. And by teach I mean make sure 14 two year olds don't show their privates to each other. I then head over to Georgia's school every other Tuesday to corral 13 six year olds in an attempt to teach them something about being a Girl Scout. I kind-of got roped into being a Troop leader under the promise that it wasn't a big deal. It is SUCH a big deal! I was flat-out lied to. Actually it's been fun being with these girls. What a whacky age. Do we like boys, do we not like boys, should we wear lip gloss, how's my hair, and on and on.

Here's my Troop looking their finest:
There's Maggie in the middle, and who is that boy??

It's funny where you think you're going and where you actually end up. I asked Brad once if he ever imagined playing Barbies with 2 girls when he was hanging with his friends in college. And now look. He knows all the Disney princesses AND their princes.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Daddy Time

Brad the Rad Dad - checking out the Doodlebops concert. He really is a great Dad and husband.

T Time

Remember playing TBall?? How fun was that?!? Georgia is on the Blue Dolphins TBall team. I must say they've come a long way, but have a ways to go. She really enjoys playing and is very excited to hit the ball from pitches versus off a tee. It's a pride thing. Doesn't look much like an "I'm having fun" face, but really she is. She is a tall gal, so here's hoping she excels at sports! She likes to cheer too, channeling the Kim Possible in her. You can see from the group picture how much taller she is than some her age. Of course we know the real reason behind all the team sports - snack afterward. It's as critical to the players as the game itself.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Celebrate Good Times

Today's agenda: Parties, playing, cake eating, more parties, more playing, more cake eating. Here's a glimpse of Maggie at her very first official party. It was at Pump It Up and boy was she pumped!! She plays like she's been shot out of a cannon - full blast.