Saturday, September 27, 2008

To Bathe a Cat

To bathe a cat, you have to feel pretty gutsy. Or you have to know it doesn't have front claws.

I saw a couple of fleas on Kiki, our kitty. This will not do, so I decided to give her a bath. I've done this before with a Persian that always pooped on himself, so I know how incredibly difficult it is.

The girls and I were off to the tub with Kiki. I had to clear all objects from the bathroom that could hurt someone if knocked around, understanding that a wet cat can cause some "get me the heck out of here" damage.

Georgia and Maggie situated themselves on the toilet for the show, while I armed myself with my grossest shirt and latex gloves. Notice Brad isn't mentioned yet. He's coming up.

The water flows, the cat freaks, and Georgia starts crying. "You're hurting Kiki!" she's wailing at me. Not helpful as I'm trying to hold onto a slippery mass of hysteria. I tell Georgia that I'm not hurting the cat. If anybody was to get hurt it'd be me with her back claws. She isn't buying it. Maggie desperately wants to cry in a show of compassion towards the cat but just can't muster up real tears.

The bathroom door swings open and there's Brad - with a camera. "I can't get a good shot of her" he complains as he directs me to turn her for a face shot. Brad is nothing if not helpful.

Lots more tears from Georgia, general unhappiness from Kiki,complete boredom from Maggie, and photos from Brad. Relief from me to finally be done.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to School Again

The completely awesome "Back to School Again" song from the American classic, Grease 2, is on repeat in my head the entire months of August and September. How cool were those Pink Ladies?!? Minus the smoking of course. Forget East High (High School Musical), Rydell High was the place to be. I digress.

School is back. I thought after the long, hot Summer, I was ready to get this ball rolling. In reality, getting up early, packing lunches, folders, and backpacks isn't all that appealing. But a must. Georgia was rezoned this year - much to her dismay and my delight. She did really like her old school, but her new school is much closer and smaller. The new school playground has been voted Worst In Class though, and that is okay. Priorities please.

Georgia was very happy Day One. Well, she was happy until she actually got into the classroom. I'm afraid her first impression was less than impressive.

Nice "I hate this face", huh? Let's get a closer look.

No worries, things have improved.

Maggie and I started this week. Let me say, my class is quite interesting this year. Turning my back for too long is not an option.

Here's Maggie on her first day. Shoes were added later.

She seems to like her class. It's right next door to mine and is connected by an interior doorway that only has a curtain separator versus an actual door. The result is Maggie periodically appearing in my room to show me things. And to point out that every stuffed animal in my room looks like one she has at home. Coincidence? I think not.