Saturday, April 24, 2010

Boom Boom Pow

Georgia got whacked in the face Thursday night with a softball while warming up for the game. Talk about some tears. Thankfully Granny Di had ice on hand, but her eye still swelled up quite nicely.

I know black eyes are a badge of honor for boys but not so much for girls. She isn't too pleased with me chasing her down for pictures either! She only agreed if Kiki could be in them too.

I can't stop staring at it! I told her I got two black eyes once while playing softball (not true, by the way) to try to make her feel better. Actually Tootsie Rolls and Starbursts did the trick.

Monday, February 15, 2010

2009: Let's Break It Down, Part 2

I left off at Georgia's challenging 'my favorite places in Brentwood' assignment. Some of these places by her classmates were too funny. Some just plain weird.

Okay - back to business.
Georgia's class had a "Fall Party" - not Halloween, mind you, and made all kinds of Fall crafts. Check out their pumpkins and the excellent posing skills of Griffin - top row, far right.

The Girl Scouts had a skate party in November. Can I please tell you how much I DO NOT LIKE skate parties?!?! Georgia doesn't know how to skate, and she gets really crabby about it. Either I'm helping her too much, not enough, I'm too close, not far enough away, etc. You get the idea. It's just frustrating for everyone. One girl in my troop had her shoes given to someone else by mistake and that person actually left with them! How does that happen? She of course cried and had to leave in socks. The Skate Center eventually wrote them a check for the shoes. Wonder what the person who actually got them thinks of their new kicks?

In November, Georgia had a role in the 3rd Grade Musical, Music and Me. She was the teacher, exactly the role she wanted. Being anal like we are, we had to get to the play super early to snag front row seats. Look - she's teaching her class Math! Loves it!

Maggie's Pre-K class had a cute little Thanksgiving program. Her Native American name was 'Pretty Flower'. Sweet, huh. The little girl beside her, Genevieve, always has that scowl on her face. Maggie insists she does smile, but I've never been witness to it. Maggie is completely in love with the boy in front of her, Matthew. She came home from school one day absolutely beaming because he had kissed her on the cheek. His Mom apologized to me for it afraid that I'd go nuts about her son kissing Maggie. That made me laugh. Please. A little peck from that cutie-pie is no big deal. Especially since Maggie was completely over the moon.

Georgia turned 9 on November 29th and for her birthday we got her Miley Cyrus tickets. Now, I must emphasize that this was a Miley Cyrus concert, not Hannah Montana. I needed a 5 second delay button for sure. Lots of grinding, hot pant action. Ugh! Georgia, Maggie, and Georgia's buddy Vivian seemed a bit stunned by it all. So did I. Brad managed to get a pass on this concert - just like the pass he got on the Jonas Brothers one. Interesting. Miley is an excellent performer, I just think she forgot the average age of her audience. Check out Captain Kangaroo beside Vivian.

Dad and Anne visited a few weeks before Christmas and helped put together some gingerbread houses. Word of advice - buy the house with the walls pre-made. We had one of those and one that required building. Thank goodness Brad's a Civil Engineer. Lots of finger licking going on with the construction of these houses. Also, some candy seemed to not quite make it on the houses. Wonder where it went?
We also had one fancy-schmancy cake for Georgia. So fancy it couldn't even come out of the pan. She picked out all her candles for it in September, for real.
Here's what happens when Maggie gets the camera- pure art. You probably just don't get it.
Here comes the Holidays. We made our annual stop in the Office Depot parking lot to visit Santa and a few of his finest reindeer. Colder but faster than the mall. AND, the mall doesn't have the real deal reindeer.

Maggie's class had a Christmas party and program. Notice how she's lined up right behind Matthew again? This is no coincidence, my friend.
Maggie decided Brad needed some decorating. I think he carries it well.

Speaking of Brad, he turned 39 on Dec. 15. 40 is just around the corner! Again, with the fancy cakes. I don't know how I find the time to create these masterpieces.
We bought an Elf on the Shelf this year for the girls. I can't even begin to get into that now, but promise a separate post is coming for Mr. Speckles. He deserves his own space.
Hmmm, I can't seem to locate any Christmas pictures. My camera got knocked out of my hand at the skating rink (another reason to dislike that place) and Brad got me a new one for Christmas. I'll hunt them down and return. For now, I leave you with a tribute to Captain Kangaroo.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009: Let's Break it Down, Part 1

And here we go again summarizing a year past while anticipating what the new one has to offer. 2009 was a bit rocky. I think we're all glad it's been put to bed.

It started well. In January we hit the circus. I think the circus is kinda creepy, but the girls love it. Guess that's why we've got tickets for this January too.

February is Girl Scout cookie month. I'm in charge of getting the cookies sold in Brentwood ordered and distributed. I moan and groan about this every year, but honestly like being in charge. I do think this is my last year since it takes A LOT of time. I say that every year. Brad helps out too - here he's doing his thing by the Thin Mints. What's up with the pornstache?? Click on the picture to zoom in on that thing.

We had Maggie's class Easter party at the house in April. Geez Louise I had to clean like a maniac to get the house and yard presentable. I know, I know, it needed to be done. But did it have to all be done by me??? And at the same time???

The girls and I had the extreme pleasure of taking Brad's grandmother, Ms. Willie, to lunch at Cracker Barrel for her 93rd birthday in April. This would be her last birthday. Of course we didn't know that then. I loved taking her out to eat. She was always smiling when we were around and really appreciated the time spent with her. Disregard Georgia sticking her tongue out - that was meant for Maggie.

One of my fondest memories with my Grandmother Klepper was taking her to Pizza Hut in Rogersville and telling her about the 'new boy', Brad, that I was seeing. She was excited to hear about him and was glad to see me so happy. Something about sharing a meal with the ones you love.

And then the bottom fell out. Ah, April 22nd. The great fall. The fall I still dream about over and over. The fall that makes me leery of stairs, uneven ground and of course, jumping jacks. Okay, I never liked jumping jacks, but now I have an excuse.

I slipped on the stairs, broke and dislocated my right foot. You all know this, but what you may not know is that it started a string of unfortunate events in the family. Actually, Diane knows. She tells me all the time! ;)

Ten weeks of no driving or walking on my foot and lots of PT. The end result:

I can feel the pins on the side. Gross!! Georgia has some powerful magnets that I tried to get to stick to my leg, but they wouldn't. I'm glad they didn't, cause that would've really freaked me out.

The Summer was spent writing checks to the babysitter, although we did enjoy the little friends that would peek out from the woods every now and then.

The Fourth of July - burgers, hot dogs, and fireworks. The 4th for me was buying cabbage instead of lettuce for the burgers. How am I supposed to know these things??? A green leafy ball is a green leafy ball. They're practically the same, are they not? Apparently they're not, because no one used it for their burgers. I am not schooled in the fine art of vegetable shopping. John's thoughts on the subject:

About this time in the year, Brad's grandmother Margaret fell and broke her hip. She'd fall soon after and break her other hip which would firmly land her in the nursing home. Sigh. Too bad this wasn't the end of the bad string.

We did manage a quick trip to Dollywood in July. Maggie got to chase a chicken for the chicken race at the Dixie Stampede. Chickens don't run straight.

Maggie turned 5 on July 22nd. Let me just say, Maggie is one crazy gal. She's going to tear it up in Kindergarten. I love that girl! She had a party at Pump It Up. Her Uncle Russ got a little out of hand and broke his toe while his wife, Dana, spent some quality time on the ground.

The girls and I went to the Jonas Brothers concert in August. They are some cutie pies! I think I enjoyed the concert more than they did. I know the mom beside me had a good time with her 3 glasses of wine.

Georgia started 3rd grade this year and one of her school projects was to take her picture in some of her favorite places in Brentwood. Taco Bell was #1 on the list. Wouldn't it be on yours?!?!

Whew! I need to lay down after re-living all that. Part 2 to follow.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Diane!

Boy, you're earning your wings this year!

We love you so very much! Georgia, Maggie and Logan are some lucky grandchildren.

And Bryn, Dana and I are some lucky daughter-in-laws!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vacation and Maggie Turned Five!

Once again I've let too much time pass before posting. Let's get caught up.

We went to the Smokies for vacation in July. Wayne and Diane were able to come with us for a few days. We had a great time with them! The girls really enjoy Dollywood. Georgia, who's very cautious at home, will ride almost any ride there. Maggie, who's fearless at home, wants nothing to do with rides.

I, on the other hand, do like the rides. But not this year. Couldn't get in and out of them with the bum foot. I did get a sweet motorized ride there.

We headed to the Dixie Stampede again. We LOVE this place! It's so much fun, and the food is great. Maggie got to be in the chicken race. Georgia wasn't happy that she was too old. Maggie's chicken came in third. I guess they don't like being chased around too much.

By the fifth day there my leg was swollen pretty bad. On the plus side, the trip really kickstarted me getting back on my feet since I didn't take the wheelchair. I sure did miss it though! When we got home, it was the first place I went.
Maggie turned five on July 22nd. She was so excited all day and picked the Golden Corral for her birthday dinner (gag, huh?). She's a fan of their orange soft serve. A buffet isn't the easiest place to maneuver when walking with a crutch. I seem to always hate myself after eating there. Why have meatloaf, chicken, BBQ and spaghetti at one sitting??

So now I sit sweating as a new air unit is being installed. We've managed to put this off for three years, but I'm glad the day is finally here. Enough worrying about it.

Georgia starts 3rd grade in 8 days! It doesn't feel like we've had much of a summer, although I am ready to get back to my class as well. Maggie just goes wherever I take her.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Making Progress S L O W L Y

Going to therapy 3 times a week for range of motion. It's slow-go. I really hope to get some movement back by my July 2nd appt. Want to hear "You can drive!" - by a doctor, that is, not just anybody.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Poppy!

The best wishes and lots of love to my father-in-law, Wayne! I love you like a father and am so glad the girls have such a wonderful Poppy! You fill our lives with such joy - you make our hearts smile - we love you!!